People around me call me Nico. Also known as Nigu, Nico Orru, Mr Orru and even Ms Orru, which is incorrect but I try to be understanding about it. My birth name is Nicola Orrù, with nothing in between and an accented “u”.

I am British and Italian.

I live in Liverpool, England but I was born and bred in sunny Sardinia. I have a strong Sardinian accent regardless of the language I’m speaking.

I make PlayStation games with Guerrilla, from the PlayStation Studios family. I used to work for PlayStation London Studio, Evolution Studios and Studio Liverpool, before their premature demise.

I have been programming computers for decades and still learning and enjoying it.

The rest of my household is greatly improved by the presence of a lovely lady programmer and a super-friendly fluffy kitten aptly named, after the Twilight Princess, Midna.

I can be found on:

and probably a dozen or so of other less beaten paths.