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Old Facebook poems and JSON decoding - February 02, 2025

I have recently disabled my Facebook account. As a pre-requisite step, I exported all my activity data to keep as backup. Hidden in the dirt, I found again some gold nuggets I almost forgot about. Namely, a bunch of old poems of dubious literary quality but certain nostalgia value, which I wrote in my youth and in my older ages around 15 years ago, and published as Facebook notes for my friends to read.

A different craft - March 17, 2024

I got busy; a pandemic happened and sort of hopefully tapered down to almost normal; in 2020 I began working remotely, and never went back to the office, meaning I have been staying at home and reading, writing, building and debugging code all day. During the long hours in lockdown I wasn’t too happy about doing more of the same after work -without the diversion of a different building, or room, or even desk-, so I became less active on the “coding for fun” front. I craved something different.

Rust-oids update - September 15, 2018

It’s been a while since I last wrote about the Rust-oids.

Rust-oids, genes and brains - September 17, 2016

It’s starting to get interesting. In the last few weeks the little critters have acquired some digital genetic code and simple ANN-based brains.

Rust-oids - August 14, 2016

I’ve just given a name to my Rust A-Life experiments and released them as a project at Rust-oids

Rnkr 0.5.1 - October 18, 2015

Rnkr 0.5.1 released. Rnkr is a general purpose leaderboard microservice with Cassandra-based storage.

Spring Scala for Scala 2.11.x new official releases - October 14, 2015

Good news! Official development of spring-scala has resumed full steam thanks to Paul Snively. The official repository URL is

Rnkr 0.5.0 - October 04, 2015

Rnkr 0.5.0 released on October 4th, 2015!

Rnkr 0.4.0 sneak peek - September 27, 2015

Rnkr 0.4.0 “sneak peek” has just been released!